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Како да се вработите под заштитни услови

Дали сте лице со попреченост која сака да се вработи под заштитни услови или компанија која сака да вработи лице со попреченост? Не знаете од каде да почнете? Не грижете се. Во овој пост ќе ви објасниме како и на кој наједноставен начин ќе дојдете до посакуваниот документ кој ќе ви овозможи да се вработите....

Meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social Policy

Yesterday marked a significant milestone as we sat down with the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska. We discussed the possibilities and successes achieved through our Best Online Assistant platform. We shared our results and the resounding impact we’ve achieved in under six months. Employment of 42 incredible people with disabilities. Dushko and....

Info Session in Sveti Nikole

On 27.06.2023, an info session was held in Sveti Nikole, dedicated to opening doors of opportunity for people with disabilities in the municipality of Sveti Nicole. Attendees of the session were provided with valuable insights into the vast employment opportunities available through our inclusive platform. From digital marketing to graphic design, our wide range of....

Best Online Assistant Promotional Video

In 2021, Brand Solution from North Macedonia launched ‘Best Online Assistant’, an IT platform that offers courses in digital marketing and social media and places job seekers with disabilities in this field. By 2022, 40 people had attended courses, 10 companies were partners, and Brand Solution had expanded to Bulgaria.

Awardees of Zero Project Conference

The Zero Project Conferenceis a three-day event at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. The conference aimed to promote the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities worldwide. Learn more about Zero Project Conference and our platform Best Online Assistant. On February 23, 2023, the Zero Project at the United Nations awarded us for having....